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Viniyoga and Yoga Therapy

Deep Roots in a Tradition

Viniyoga is a lineage-based system of yoga that spans centuries.  Ancient methods are adapted in a modern context to provide each individual the empowerment to create change based on their own desires, needs and conditions. The prefixes vi and ni combine to suggest an intelligent and appropriate application of these methods.

The New Dawn of Ancient Practices

The renown and influence of the "father of modern yoga", T. Krishnamacharya, is unprecedented in the contemporary yoga community. Unearthing knowledge that was held secret or nearly lost to time, his life was committed to understanding and disseminating the philosophy and science of yoga, breathing new life into this ancient tradition.


Krishnamacharya's son, T.K.V. Desikachar, studied under his father's tutelage for 25 years, learning and applying the texts of yoga to practice, teach, and heal. A small group of westerners, seeking the wisdom of the east, traveled to India in search of a teacher.

Into the Modern Western World

Beginning in 1971, Gary Kraftsow began a journey into yoga under the guidance of Desikachar and other influential teachers. His exploration led to the birth of the American Viniyoga Institute, dedicated to training teachers and therapists, and exposing the west to the transformative potential of yoga. For over 30 years Gary has been teaching, training and healing in the Viniyoga tradition.

The Viniyoga Therapist Training Program, accredited by the International Association of Yoga Therapists, provides an experiential, educational and professional foundation toward an 800 hour certification as a Certified Yoga Therapist (C-IAYT).


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“Every human being has the inherent potential to function as an integrated whole, a unified expression of structural integrity, balanced energy, attuned learning skills, clarity and sense of purpose, and loving compassion”

- Gary Kraftsow

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