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Private Sessions

The process of yoga therapy is part art, part science. We rely on long-established models of energy that inform traditional and modern treatment protocols tailored to the individual, based on a thorough exploration of each person's background, experiences, constitution, condition and goals.

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Eastern Wisdom Meets Western Science

While eastern and western pathways for wellness can't be precisely correlated, it's often suggested that western science is just beginning to "catch up" with protocols established in the east through dozens of centuries. Each science has its place, its benefits and its limitations, and one need not be discounted for the other.

What is becoming abundantly clear through the rigorous quantitative standards applied in the west is that the effectiveness of some of these ancient practices is measureable. A growing body of research supports the notion that meditative and other practices found throughout yoga carry significant potential as effective long-term wellness strategies.


See Informative Links for additional information.

The Goal of Yoga - Cultivating Awareness to Affect Energy

Yoga is fundamentally a process of self-transformation. Its underlying principles suggest that we are energetic beings, each with our own fingerprint of energy characteristics, both functional and dysfunctional. From yoga's point of view, change is accomplished through awareness, understanding and application of techniques to alter the energetic character and capacity of our being.


The application of techniques we call practice, where we can offer a variety of different pathways to realize, understand and alter our subtle energies.

See the Tools section for additional information.


The Process of Yoga Therapy

Yoga therapy sessions take place one-on-one. We begin with a 30 minute phone consultation to learn about your interest and goals in yoga therapy. The consultation is free of charge and creates no further obligation.

Schedule your free Consultation 

Based on our discussion, we determine whether yoga therapy would be appropriate and schedule an initial session. Following the session, you are provided a personal practice to do regularly at home. If you choose to continue, packages are available for future sessions.


Initial Consultation - 30 minutes                                              Free


Schedule your free Consultation

First Session - 60 minutes                                                           $100

Package of Four Sessions - 55 minutes each                          $360     

*Pricing is subject to change without notice.

Sessions are payable in advance. For our travel time in excess of 15 minutes one way, add a minimum travel fee of $15 per session. Sessions must be cancelled at least 24 hours in advance for a full refund.

© 2019 by Shagbark Yoga, LLC

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