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Workshops provide an opportunity for in-depth exploration of a particular modality or specific condition. Learning is in small groups from five to thirty students, and combines theory, practices and experiential work.

Workshops are presented as three, six or twelve hour (two day) programs.

To see upcoming Workshops

Topics vary according to participant experience and interest, but a sampling is provided below:

Antaranga Sadhana - An Integrated Approach to Practice

Integrated Practices, or Antaranga Sadhana, incorporate methods from Tantric Yoga to access and connect our personal energy, the microcosm, with the universal energy, or macrocosm. These deep practices introduce and incorporate breath-centric movement (asana), specific breath techniques (pranayama), hand and body gestures (nyasa), traditional chanting (mantra), subtle energy centers (cakras) and dieties (devata yoga).

Here's Yoga to Manage Stress and Anxiety

A journey into understanding the nature and energy behind these conditions from the viewpoint of yoga, and explore practices and techniques to influence, manage and even eliminate conditions of stress and anxiety in your life.

We will incorporate asana (postures), pranayama (breathing techniques), mudra (hand positions), mantra (traditional chanting) and guided relaxation to build a sequence and quick techniques for participants to use at home.

Yoga for Cranky Low Back, Sacrum and Hips

This is self-explanatory, right?

Under Development for 2019.

From the Outside In - Depth Psychology and Yoga

A specific and personal exploration using yoga energy models: Energetic dimensions called mayas and subtle energy centers or cakras.  This is a deep dive into both the theory and practice of some of the earliest and most profound parts of the yoga tradition. We consider the individual's energetic potential as both microcosm and macrocosm, connecting to our personal capacity and to the power of the cosmos.

The Four M's - Mayas, Mantra, Mudra and Meditation

A focused exploration of some of the ancient practices of yoga used as vehicles for self understanding and transformation, through a systematic progression through: Yogic Model of Energy (Pancha Mayas); Energetic Seals (Mudra); The Power of Sound (Mantra), and; Connecting with the Infinite (Meditation and Ritual). We explore some of the origins and techniques of these tools, and assemble and integrated practice to be used at home.

Pranayama for Performance - Yoga's Transformative Capacity for Results

When are competitive athletes gonna get on board? You may train to run ultramarathons or stop speeding bullets, but have you developed your full respiratory capacity? Doubtful. Science supports it. Think about it.

We use asana and pranayama techniques specific to improving respiratory efficiency, including a way to do what athletes appreciate most - measure progress.

Understanding and Incorporating Ritual - Relating to the Divine

Our modern world often dismisses ritual as a mechanical process of recitations and activities. To the contrary, these cultures devoted extraordinary energy to gain insights into practices which open doorways to potential, our innate capacity for understanding, truth and joy. The yoga tradition, like all ancient spiritual pursuits, is steeped in ritual. Thankfully, some of these are passed into modern times through Tantric Yoga. Practices and opportunity for self reflection using symbols, texts and icons are part of this incredible exploration.

Resolutions that Stick - Working with Sankalpa

It seems to be human nature to create a resolution to add or eliminate something from our lives. Yoga distinguishes between these incomplete attempts at wish fulfillment and true commitment to transformation. Practices within the Tantric Yoga tradition offer both the methods and the means to uncover, understand, refine and accomplish our most important goals through a process called Sankalpa. Drawing on asana (postures), pranayama (breath techniques), mantra (chanting), guided meditation and reflection to inspire our efforts and fuel transformation.

To see upcoming Workshops 

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